Ethnopharmacologic Search for Psychoactive Drugs


Michelle St. Pierre

Michelle St. Pierre

Michelle St. Pierre

Clinical Psychologist

Psychedelics and the Prevention of Interpersonal Violence: the role of emotion regulation.

read the transcript

“The past decade has seen growing empirical support for third-wave behavior therapies that share mechanisms of action with psychedelic experiences such as enhancing mindfulness, decentering, emotion regulation, and distress tolerance.”


Michelle St. Pierre, MA., is a Doctoral Candidate in Clinical Psychology at The University of British Columbia (UBC), and UBC’s 2021 Researcher of the Year. Michelle’s research broadly explores the use of cannabis and psychedelics for therapeutic purposes. She has published and presented nationally and internationally on these topics and had her research featured in outlets such as Forbes, Time Magazine, and the Globe and Mail. Her research is supported by a CIHR Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship and Killam Doctoral Fellowship.

Psychedelics and the Prevention of Interpersonal Violence: the role of emotion regulation.

“The past decade has seen growing empirical support for third-wave behavior therapies that share mechanisms of action with psychedelic experiences such as enhancing mindfulness, decentering, emotion regulation, and distress tolerance.”

Transcript Abstract

Psychedelics have long been used as traditional technologies by Indigenous peoples and have contemporarily emerged as novel psychotherapeutic agents for stubborn and debilitating conditions. Their potential to decrease antisociality and problematic substance use while concurrently increasing positive interpersonal functioning offers hope to many. The proposed talk will review three papers published within the past five years that were inspired by these themes, and which build on one another. A 2016 prospective study followed a high-risk sample of incarcerated men (N = 302; M age = 26, SD = 7) for 118-months and found that a history of hallucinogen use had a protective effect against partner violence perpetration.

Indeed, men with a history of hallucinogen use were less than two-thirds as likely to be arrested for perpetrating violence against their partner than those without a history of use. These findings were extended in a community-based sample (N = 1266; M age = 23, SD = 8) which revealed that emotion regulation mediated the protective effects of psychedelic use against partner violence. These findings add to the growing body of research that suggests enhanced emotion regulation and mindfulness underlie some of the benefits of psychedelic experiences. The past decade has seen growing empirical support for third-wave behavior therapies that share mechanisms of action with psychedelic experiences such as enhancing mindfulness, decentering, emotion regulation, and distress tolerance. I will present a rationale for using third-wave behavior therapies as the framework for psychedelic healing as they are particularly well-suited to amplify the beneficial effects of a psychedelic experience.